Thursday, May 26, 2005


Last night was mutual night. The youth went the play miniature golf at the Interbay golf course over between Magnolia and Queen Anne, but I was asked to go to the church and pick up any stragglers, leaving around 7:15. This is because I'm usually late to the church since my lab gets out around 6:20, and I have to bike home, eat dinner, and drive to the church.

As I was leaving my house, both girls were crying and Cami really wanted my help, but I didn't feel like I could stay. On the way to the church I determined that if there were no youth there I would just go home. There weren't, so I did.

I'm so glad I did.

By that time Caitlin was in the bathtub and I could here her laughing and having a good time, but Mary was still sad. After a minute Cami came downstairs and found me (I tried to announce my presence in a way that wouldn't scare her, but that didn't work). So we went upstairs and Cami got Caitlin ready for bed while I comforted Mary. Caitlin went to bed happy and Mary...well she was happy once she ate.


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